Sunday 5 April 2009

April FooI Indian PC Plod Style

Maybe this post title should read 'Pinch Punch First of the Month', either way I think you'll get the gist!

If there is anything in India that is always's pay day, always the first day of the month and you can always tell what time of the month it is by a few regular indicators:-
1) Our staff remind me!
2) The large number of people lying/sleeping on the streets
3) The large number of PC Plod roadblocks.

Yes for PC Plod it is not only their salary time but it's their BONUS time as well. Unsuspecting motorists and motorcyclists are 'pulled over' and given a fine, for what, they are apparently not ever really sure, but pay up they must. It works like this... Every unfortunate motorist that is pulled over is given a fine and if they want a receipt it'll cost them 500rps but if they don't, it'll cost them 200rps! Pinch Punch First of the Month, right where it hurts in the wallet!! I wonder where the unreceipted fines go?

The other indicator are the number of mainly men you see sleeping, or should I say 'sleeping it off' on the streets. Pay day here also means Drink Week and we had a conversation in our car the other day and it went something like this...

Ellie: Kumar, why is that man sleeping on the pavement?
Kumar: (chuckling) He has drunk his salary.
Luke: Cow! Cow!
Ellie: What's a salary Mummy?
Me: When a person has a job they get paid some money for doing their work and it's called a salary and it pays for their food, clothes and houses.
Luke: Cow?
Ellie: Does Daddy get a salary?
Me: Yes. Every month.
Ellie: And does HE drink it all?
Me & Kumar: Much laughter.



Anonymous said...

I love Luke's contribution to the conversation!

Emma said...

I know! He's a genius!!