Wednesday 6 May 2009

It's Official

In just 4 weeks and 2 days we will be leaving India and now we know where to. About's been a very long wait with our exit date looming ever nearer.

Firstly we will be returning to the UK for a few weeks and then we will be heading off to North Carolina, USA for Ian to take up his next assignment. We are all very happy and excited at the prospect and the opportunity!

However our move is tinged with sadness as we will of course be leaving behind our wonderful staff. The drivers will be fine, but after I told Kumar the news and saw his reaction I just couldn't bring myself to tell Pushpa and Mary by myself. Ian and I broke it to them yesterday evening and it was truly heartbreaking. These two women have been more than just 'maids' to me and between them they have looked after us so well and made settling into India an awful lot easier than it could have been. I hope to be able to find them new jobs before we leave as they deserve that much after all their hard work and loyalty.

So, it's back to the beginning of this blog in some ways...Ian is off to the US and UK for two more weeks on Saturday, I'll be packing up, sorting out and saying goodbyes but I have made a promise to myself that I am not going to stress and worry as I did before. I'm sure there will be moments but I've done it before so I should be able to do it again. Right? Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luck is being wished!

You'll love North Carolina!

Enjoy your remaining time!