Wednesday 29 July 2009

I Haven't Gone Away...

...not entirely.

I've just been very busy not Muttering from Madras and basically getting wet and muddy in this so-called English summer of ours and catching up with friends, family, TV, shopping (supermarkets still overwhelm me!), good beef and meat, crunchy yummy salads, English beaches, driving - wherever, whenever and whichever way I want. Oh yes, and how can I forget the BIG BUMP back to earth when I had to do all our cleaning, washing and ironing.

Hmmm...I admit I am seriously missing the (almost) neverending blue skies and warmth of Chennai...and my maids!

The kids are fine...Ian has been back in India wrapping things up work wise the last couple of weeks and apart from taking root in our Wellington boots in the soggy wet ground we're all doing OK - apart from the camera which ended up in a brook in Devon at the weekend and I haven't summed up the courage to check the memory stick to see if I have now lost ALL our summer photographs.

I've also had a bit of a block on writing and whilst there are still are couple of things to be wrapped up on here I will begin anew very shortly as we depart for North Carolina (US) on Tuesday 4th August where a whole new adventure and chapter will begin.

In the the new neighbours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have missed you! Are you crazy yet with the preparations to hit the States yet??

August 4th is just around the corner and I wish you safe travels (and SANE travels), my friend!

Hoping the adjustment period is ok for you ... and email anytime if you need help/suggestions with N. Carolina!