Friday 20 March 2009

So Much to Blog About...

But I've been a bit short of time as I've been making a bit of a social life for myself, Wayhey!! It's been a busy couple of weeks and I have lots to tell, but I am very much behind.

Sometimes (actually alot of the time!) events and experiences happen and if you don't immediately put fingers to keys you lose the gist and the humour, or, the meaning about the moments you've experienced....or, maybe that's just me and I need to do more brain exercises! I have a lots of started but unfinished posts...I will try harder!

In the meantime...,we have had MORE SNAKES

Tonight I heard a big commotion and alot of banging of sticks, I looked out of the window and just had to go and investigate.

For my perusal the night shift guards present me with the headless corpse of a 'Tree Snake'. Tiny in comparison to Hissing Sid but it's bite is 100x more dangerous apparently.

"Oh and by the way", I'm 'sort of' told in broken English with a splashing of Tamil, yesterday there was a Rat Snake in the garden...OK, I heard 'Rat Snake'. Got that, thank you. Could YOU PLEASE LET ME KNOW OF THESE EVENTS AS THEY HAPPEN rather than retrospectively. It would be very helpful as although non-venemous, they are big. will scare the pants off me and the children and no-one likes a snake bite either way.

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