Thursday 23 April 2009

Mango Mania

In the UK we are so used to having the pick and choose of all fruits no matter what the season and I honestly thought that living somewhere tropical would mean an abundance of tropical fruit year round. Not so, whilst Pineapple, Papaya and Bananas are consistently available there are definite seasons for the likes of Strawberries Mangoes and Melons.

Right now we are entering Mango and Melon season, thank goodness because we were beginning to get bored with pineapple and if Ian sees another piece of Papaya I think it could be grounds for divorce (he doesn't like it very much!) The shops are full of Mangoes and the streets are full of Watermelons.

We have 2 large Mango Trees in our garden, so large it's hard to get a perspective! One is here in the background and has an abundance of green mangoes. The other has none...the Male tree apparently. We've made Mango chutney twice (the first lot was left out and went mouldy - oops!)

There are an amazing number of different varieties of Mango which came as a surprise, sweet, sour, large, small, green and yellow is my level of understanding so I won't try to kid you that I know what they all are because I haven't even begun to try and ask!

The Roads are currently lined with piles and piles of Watermelons for sale. On the left is a pile of Tender Coconuts for drinking.

Shopping at our favourite fruit and vegetable shop.

With all this beautiful fresh fruit available to us, what do you think Ellie & Luke are eating the most of...well for Ellie, as usual just strawberries and grapes (imported!)...Luke? Bananas ONLY! I GIVE UP!


Anonymous said...

I have NEVER had a mango and am looking forward to it, although we'll have way missed the season for it by the time we arrive.

Wonder what's "in season" in August? Anything?

Emma said...

Mangoes are de-lish but calorific! For never know but probably Pineapple, Pappaya and Bananas! You must try the small bananas (about 4 inches long and you peel them from the bottom) they are just THE BEST! Having said that, that's here in the 'Deep South' Delhi will be far more sophisticated I'm sure!