Sunday 31 May 2009

NOT the Type of Pedicure I Had In Mind

Oooops! Had a bit of an accident today. Well I couldn't let Ian take all the sympathy now could I?

A large crowd of us descended on The Park for our last Sunday Brunch and all was going well, the adults enjoying good food and all the children fed watered and ensconced in the hotel's viewing room watching Shrek.

Luke decided he wanted to climb up on my lap and as I pushed my chair back to let him up, my flat soled sandal skidded on a chip and my toes rammed straight under the metal base plate of the table. Huge pain, blood, stars, nausea, the lot.

My very own Florence 'Juliet' Nightingale quickly and deftly administered first aid and ice while Nurse Sejal made calls to her doctor...and it was straight off to Apollo hospital for me. Xrays to make sure nothing was broken, nothing is. But once my toes were cleaned up it was apparent that my big toe nail was split right down to the base. "We'd better take it off", says the Doc.

After two lots of local anaesthetic a crowd of around 10 Doctors and nurses have gathered around my feet to watch the removal of my big toe nail and I just feel like fainting, but I managed to stay awake with Juliet focusing my mind. Credit due, when it was all over it looked as though the lovely Doctor had done a good job!

It just wasn't the kind of last Indian pedicure I'd been planning - I had intended that once we had moved out of the house and into the hotel for a few days I'd slip down to Salon 2000 for one last complete works...because it ain't half cheap here and as of next week I'll be back to taking out a small mortgage for any pampering of that kind...Ah well, at least my toe's not broken, and, I got to see the inside of yet another Indian hospital before we leave!

PS...A very big thank you also goes to Andrew Purdy who also accompanied us to Apollo and kept reminding me that I do have a sense of humour. Like you said Megan, he doesn't 'do' blood though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So wait ... are you saying that Ian is tonsil-less and you are short one big toenail??

Criminy. You two know how to make your departure eventful, don't you!