Thursday 19 February 2009

India Week

We've had back to back visitors for the last two weeks which has been great fun but it doesn't leave much time for blogging!

Ellie recovered enough from Chickenpox to be allowed back to school to participate in India Week. She enjoyed it immensly and learnt so much and is even telling us stuff that we didn't know. She is intrigued by all the Hindu God stories "They're all Superheros you know Mummy." Ganesh did this, His Mother did that...His Father was some sort of black urn (claypot?!) Krishna did that. I have decided that we need to find a good book so we can explore all of these stories together and maybe it will help to open my mind and help to understand the psyche of the South Indians.

India Week culminated in a special Assembly in which the entire Elementary (lower school) participated and they all dressed up in their Indian clothes, which the children love doing, and of course they do, because they are all so beautiful and colourful!

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