Monday 30 March 2009

Snake Update

Hmmmm...the large Rat Snake is still on the loose but is being kept at bay by the guards who I have put on an hourly 'Snake Patrol'. They seem happy they have something other to do than fall asleep and open and close the gate but, as yet, they still haven't caught the culprit.

However, they have competition in the snake catching stakes and I'll hedge my bets on who will win this battle and it'll be the latest visitor to our garden.

A couple of days ago I was horrified to see what I thought at first was the most enormous rat I had ever seen sniffing around on one of our window ledges and then I saw its long bushy tail and thought...that ain't NO rat. Straight onto the computer, Google and Wikipedia and I deduced with my powerful sleuth like determination that it was indeed a Mongoose. Where there is a snake you will eventually find a Mongoose, and Mongooses fight snakes for sport. Even deadly Cobras. But we haven't had one of those...yet.


Anonymous said...

There was one company expat who used to offer her guards a reward for catching a snake. Might be worth a try!

Emma said...

I think you could be onto something there, will give it a try. Thanks! What do you think is a good going rate?

Karen said...

I'm only glad I never came across him!

Teresa said...

That was me....and Kelly Forsyth. I offer 100 Rs for snakes 3' or less, 200 Rs for 3' or over. Doesn't matter if they are poisonous or not. So far one guard has really taken me up on this one.
Sadly doesn't seem to work with rats.