Sunday 20 July 2008

My Head Is in A Spin, My Feet Don't Touch The Ground...

....because you're new to me my head goes round and round, my knees are shaking baby... and you all know the rest!

Please forgive the song, there's always one in my mind, but this one has been going around my head the last few days, maybe I heard it during one of those semi-concious moments when the radio alarm goes off and I'm still snoozing, maybe I heard it in the car in one of those semi-concious driving moments (what? You never have them?) and just maybe, all I need to do is simply change my radio station. Whatever, it sums up my week!

As of today we are 9 weeks (and counting) from our move and I'm beginning to have some knee shaking moments myself.

Not, let me stress, of the worrying about leaving kind. It's not forever and I'm very excited about our move. More of the 'worrying about what's to be done kind' And, there's soooo much to do. We've done quite well shopping this weekend, we've managed to spend the most amount of money I've ever spent in two hours (house/car purchases exempt) at John Lewis, we've debated various issues about what we take, don't take, sell, abandon, tip and added much more to the 'to buy' list, mainly all for the kids with a few indulgences for ourselves...rude not to. This week I've called removals, solicitors, medical clinics, doctor's surgery, financial advisor, estate agent, letting agent. We've had nursery end of term play, sports day and graduation(!)

Tomorrow, we have more 'little pricks', followed by shopping, followed by swimming lesson, followed by major supermarket shop...I heard on Friday that I need to get our first food shipment to a local (ish) warehouse by 1st August for shipping, all fine and dandy...but DD and I leave for Turkey on Saturday so now the pressure is on....yikes not much time!

I'm imaginging a big trolley dash....Your task, if you wish to accept, is, to shop for 2 adults, 1 child and 1 baby and a new home in India, all you may require, need and wish for whilst boldly finding every conceivable child friendly a can! We are the lucky ones, so although I joke, not all ex-pats in our location have this luxury. This is a big perk - the chance to have some of your tried and trusted favourite things shipped to you and make your settling in time easier.

Anyway the 'to do' list goes on and on and grows each day and I'm finding it difficult to prioritise with two small children around. Mainly the smaller, less time consuming things tend to get a tick in the right place, meanwhile the bigger more important stuff is languishing in my head spin!

Note to self....Next time, cos it's now late and I'm tired, MollyCat Needs a New Home


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