Monday 15 December 2008

Another One Bites The Dust

Maid #1 - Left
Maid #2 - Doing Well
Maid #3 - Sacked on Friday

Maid # 3 was a tough one as she was very good with the children, hygienic, English good and always on time, however she was slow, good at looking busy and pushy, after just days she asked if she could do her family's washing in our machine and after 3 weeks started sounding me out for a loan for her son's schooling! The minute she started Kumar warned us that he had asked around and she had a reputation for being dishonest...we thought we'd give her a go as her last employers (of 3 years) reference was very good. Maid #2 had also voiced her concerns to Kumar as she also knew of her before and was worried that any trouble would reflect on her.

Two weeks in and a friend told me that she had heard something about her from another ex-pat and so we dug a little deeper, turns out that there are convictions for petty theft in the family and when you begin to hear things like this it is terribly hard to trust someone.

As time went on Little Miss Pushy became pushier and I was getting really tired of finding her rooting and sifting through our rubbish, we were told she wouldn't comply with the guards on bag searches and a couple of times I found her in places in the house that she didn't need to be in.

The crunch began when we were getting ready to go to the BBSC Ball and DH discovered his dress shirt studs were missing and then one of the kids advent calendars disappeared, after 4 days of searching high and low and me ranting and asking no-one in particular, 'Where on earth can it be?' It turned up, she found it, behind some books but it was strange how nearly all the doors had been opened and re-closed and I swear I'd already looked in that place!

So, on Friday evening we confronted her and she left, much to the relief of all the staff and also to is a much calmer day :-)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh dear, sounds like you are having a rough trott with the maid thing. I can always ask my Margaret if she knows anyone for you. Give me a call,