Wherever we go we are practically besieged by people and everyone wants a little piece of them, sometimes it has its advantages...faster attention and service when you're holding a cute kid, more often it can be a hassle and DD is becoming a bit self concious and wary, which in turn is making her clingy, something she has never really been.
Last night I nearly lost it. We took the kids to a hotel that does the best fish n chips that DD has ever had, even better than England apparently. At the next table was probably the most annoying man I have ever met, he was probably even more annoying for the pitcher or three of beer that he and his companion were drinking. He began quite politely by offering his compliments on the children and then quite literally began circling the table "Cootchy Cooing" the children. Constantly. Touching them...errr smelling their hair, all while we are trying to give them their meal. I was tired, emotions got the better of me and tears of pure frustration poured out of me...and do you know what he did?
HE KEPT COOTCHY BLOODY COOING THEM, all the while telling me how BLOODY cute they were, and I'm crying my eyes out and he doesn't even seem to notice!!
We got the bill and left, no dinner for us, and the last thing I heard as we took our leave and the door was closing was a final Cootchy. Cootchy. Coo.
So, that's my rant over! If I'd posted last night it wouldn't have been quite so polite!
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